Follow the story link and look at the graphic titled Public School Funding: Local vs. State Revenue, which illustrates how using local property taxes to fund public education has risen at a much higher rate since 2008 than state funding.
By Kiah Collier, The Texas Tribune
Aug. 30, 2016
At least once a year, an official from a property-wealthy Texas school calls Christy Rome and tells her they’re just not going to do it. They don't want to send a big chunk of their tax dollars to the state, even though they're required to do so under a state law meant to buoy poorer districts.
“I can’t recommend that,” the Texas School Coalition chief always tells them, citing a host of potentially worse financial consequences.
The resistance dates back to the mid-1990s, when Texas lawmakers — under the gun of a court order — enacted a plan known as Robin Hood that was meant to ease vast funding inequities among school districts fueled by a property tax-based funding system. LINK TO STORY >>
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