BOT President Peck Testifies Before Joint House Committees
Spring Branch ISD Board of Trustees President Karen Peck testified Thursday, Sept. 29, on school finance and recapture before the joint hearing of the House Public Education and Appropriations committees. Here is a copy of her testimony.

You can watch her testimony here. (around the 8:47:15 mark)
Chairman Aycock, Chairman
Otto, and Committee Members, thank
for the opportunity to be here today.
My name is Karen Peck
and I am President of the Board of Trustees of
Spring Branch ISD. (I am here to
testify on school finance and recapture)
Spring Branch ISD serves
approximately 35,000 students on the west side of Houston and Harris County
Texas. While considered property
wealthy, our students are 57 percent economically disadvantaged, 57 percent at
risk, and one-third have limited English proficiency.
This year our annual
budget includes increased tax collections of $29 million due to value growth. However, we will keep NONE of it. Instead, we will be writing a $66 million
check to the State of Texas for recapture. This represents 22 percent of our
M&O (Maintenance and Operations) tax collections, and is more than DOUBLE
the amount we paid last year ($30M).
Even more frightening, this $66 Million pales in comparison to what we
will owe next year – $91 million (which will be 28 percent of our M&O tax collections),
and presents an $18 million deficit, even keeping all expenses flat.
When school districts
start having to send 15 percent, 20 percent, and more of their tax collections
to the state – those taxes actually lose meaning as local school taxes. While recapture dollars may go to the school
foundation program, in reality they allow the state to reduce the amounts it
would otherwise spend on public education.
Thus, these supposedly local school tax dollars may really end up
subsidizing roads, or prisons, or health care – and while the state certainly
has obligations in those areas, local school taxes weren’t designed or intended
to underwrite those programs.
I support and hope for a
transformational reform of the current funding system. Realizing the barriers in place, however, we
agree with Austin and Houston ISDs that many steps can be taken to improve the
system. For example, take account of our local homestead exemption [now locked
in by the State] in the school funding formulas (especially since it’s now
locked in by the state) and please don’t charge us recapture on homestead
exemption amounts that we do not collect.
The latter alone would mean $31 million dollars to Spring Branch ISD.
More solutions: Put a cap on recapture. Give us more golden pennies, eliminate
recapture on local tax dollars generated by a TRE, tie school funding to
inflation, increase the equalized wealth level per student in order to
recognize property value increases across the state, count ALL of students in
our full day preK program, and increase
the multipliers for Bilingual education and CTE.
Additionally – keep ALL
revenue growth due to local value growth IN public education. When the school foundation program receives
additional SCHOOL TAX dollars attributable to value growth, that should not be
a pass to lessen the contribution the State otherwise makes to public ed. Keeping these dollars in public education
would allow an increase to the basic allotment which would benefit ALL Texas
school children.
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